Apr 20, 2016

Call a Transaction in New Session Window

Call a transaction in New Session from ALV Hotspot.

We can use FM  ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION for this. But from SCN, I found an excellent way to do so.

Create a Remote enable function module:

function zfm_call_tcode_in_new_window.
*"*"Local Interface:

set parameter id paraid field vbeln.
  call transaction tcode and skip first screen.


Call the FM from the program:

You have to use the following code segment  in program to call that Function Module ,
      lv_tcode 'VA43'.              "Tcode to Call
      lv_vbeln gs_out-vbeln.
      lv_paraid 'KTN'.
      call function 'ZFM_CALL_TCODE_IN_NEW_WINDOW' starting new task 'TEST'
        destination 'NONE'
          tcode         lv_tcode
          vbeln         lv_vbeln
          paraid        lv_paraid


*Ref: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/Snippets/How+to+Call+a+Transaction+in+New+Session+Window

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