Jun 14, 2008

ASAP Implementation Methodology

ASAP Implementation Methodology


Any enterprise application software has to cover a broad spectrum of functionality, yet to be configured enough to meet specific requirements. SAP achieves this by ASAP methodology & R/3 Business Engineer.

AcceleratedSAP (ASAP) is SAP’s standard implementation methodology. It contains the Roadmap, a step-by step guide that incorporates experience from many years of implementing SAP. Quality checks are incorporated at end of each phase to ensure quality of deliverables and monitor critical success factors.

ASAP is delivered as a PC based package, so that an implementation project can begin prior to having an SAP R/3 system installed.


ASAP Tools


ASAP Roadmap

ASAP and Business Engineer have compatibility with many third party modeling tools and packages like MS Excel etc

ASAP Implementation Methodology

R/3 Business Engineer

It contains a set of configuration and implementation tools, which enable you or your consultants to define configuration SAP. It helps to implement SAP R/3 very fast. SAP has standardized the SAP implementation procedure, simplified the way fu8nctions are presented and reduced the technical complexity of implementation. The Business Engineer resides in SAP.

ASAP along with Business Engineer is suitable to


Business professionals who need to discuss, prototype and design their Business Blueprint (enterprise model)


IS departments of large enterprises who need to customize R/3 applications more effectively and more rapidly.


Small and medium scale companies, who wish to implement SAP in cost-effective way.


Consultants and SAP partners who are looking for efficient way of offering their services.

Some of the features of ASAP with Business Engineer are:


Reduced implementation time.


Intuitive understanding of wide range of functions offered by SAP R/3


Process optimization using proven scenarios, processes and value chains.


High quality installations through comprehensive procedural guidelines.


Continuous, dynamic adjustment and optimization of SAP R/3 applications.


The capability to copy configured areas.

ASAP Implementation Methodology

ASAP Roadmap

Phase 1: Project Preparation

Phase 2: Business Blueprint

Phase 3: Realization

Phase 4: Final Preparation

Phase 5: Go Live & Support

ASAP Implementation Methodology

Phase 1 : Project Preparation

In this phase of the ASAP Roadmap, decision-makers define clear project objectives and an efficient decision-making process.

Here Project Organization and roles are defined and implementation scope is finalized.

System landscape and Technical Requirement


Infrastructure need (Hardware/interfaces): Available- QuickSizing Service: to be accessed via SAPNet


System Landscape


High level strategies for client


Archiving strategy

Issues Database:

Issues must be resolved before phase completion ot before beginning of the next phase. The issues can be


Unanticipated tasks


Normal tasks that can not be completed


External factors that need to be dealt with.

Issues database allows the project team to enter, track and report on project issues.

ASAP Implementation Methodology

Phase 2: Business Blueprint

In this phase scope of the R/3 implementation is defined & Business Blueprint is created. Business Blueprint is a detailed documentation of company’s requirements.

Various tools are used in this phase.


AcceleratedSAP Implementation Assistant


Question & Answer Database (Q&Adb)


Business Process Master List (BPML)


R/3 Structure Modeler


Business Navigator and external modeling tools

Project Management:

Activities in this work package are:


Conducting Status meeting for project team


Conducting steering committee meetings


General project management


Addressing organizational issues relating to organizational change management.

Other activities include:


Project Team Training


Developing the System Environment


Defining Organizational Structure


Defining the Business processes

R/3 reference model can be used for


Comparing the standard functionality with your companies own organizational requirements


Creating documentation for the conceptual design


Optimizing business processes


Training the project team and users


Writing user documentation

Question and Answer Database can be used to determine


The Baseline Scope


Cycle Plan


Integration test Plan

ASAP Implementation Methodology

Phase 3: Realization

The purpose of Phase 3 is to configure the R/3 system. The configuration is carries out in two steps; baseline configuration & Final configuration.

Business Process Master List (BPML) is created in phase 2 as a report from Q&A database. It is used to identify, plan, schedule and monitor the configuration and testing of all R/3 scenarios and processes within the scope of an implementation. BPML is a representation of the R/3 business and transactions that are contained within the scope of the project. BPML is feeds all business information to all subsequent worksheets.

Implementation Guide (IMG): It is the main tool for setting the parameters to configure or ‘Customize’ R/3 during the realization phase. IMG reflect the chronological order in which the customizing activities are carried out.

The following aspects of configuration are also to be considered:


Defining authorizations in the R/3 system


Defining workflows


Creating user documentation

System Manager Procedures


Developing system test plans


Defining service level commitment


Establishing system administration functions


Setting up Quality Assurance environment


Defining the design of the productive system


Defining system management procedures for the productive system


Setting up the productive environment

At the end of this phase, Project Manager must check the status of deliverables for completeness and accuracy. This internal quality check should be carried out in addition to an external, independent third party Quality Audit.

Preparation for end-user training needs to be gone through and approved at and of this phase.

ASAP Implementation Methodology

Phase 4: Final Preparation

The purpose of this phase is to complete the final preparation of the R/3 system for going live. This includes testing, user training, system management and cutover activities, to finalize your readiness to go live.

In this phase the R/3 system is handed over to individual departments for productive operation. This includes preparation of end-user documentation and training the end-users. The technical environment is installed on production system & is tested. Project managers prepare plans for going live, transfer of legacy data and support at early stages.

End-user training is a critical activity for success of the project. InfoDB may be used to plan for the User Training activities. Computer Center Management System (CCMS) must be set at this time. Simulation of productive operation system & testing the same is of great important.

The test plan contains the following activities


Testing conversion procedures and programs.


Testing interface programs


Conducting volume & stress testing


Conducting final user acceptance testing


Developing a final go-live strategy.

The Computer Aided Test Tool (CATT) can be used to automate test sequences for key business processes.

Phase 4 also provides for the testing of the disaster recovery plan for the productive environment. Disaster downtimes are verified and details on de-escalation.

ASAP Implementation Methodology

Phase 5: Go Live & Support

This phase is concerned with supporting and optimizing the operative R/3 system.

Following activities are carried out


Production support facilities are defined.


Validation of business processes and their configuration.


Follow-up training for users


Signoffs etc.

During phase 5, the first EarlyWatch session should be held, where experts from SAP analyze the system’s technical infrastructure. The aim is to ensure the system functions as smooth as possible.

Version upgrades should be planned whenever found necessary. AcceleratedSAP contains a continuous roadmap, with standard activities necessary after implementation. The tasks in that structure provide solutions for all known types of continuous change: Business changes, technology changes or changes in user community.

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